
In-Vivo ME2100-System Multi Channel Systems(MCS), Germany

Tethered in Vivo recording system: ME2100-Systems

The ME2100-System is a tethered in vivo recording system. It is the complete setup for anesthetized/head-fixed animals, including everything you need for your experiment.


The system consists of a signal collector unit (MCS-SCU) for up to four headstages, which also contains a connector for up to four outputs for optical stimulation (optogenetics). The signal collector is connected via eSATA cable to the interface board. Up to two signal collectors can be connected to one IFB-C multiboot interface board. Headstages have 32 recording channels plus ground and reference inputs. Amplifier, stimulators and A/D converters are all directly on the headstage, which allows low-noise, high quality data acquisition.

 The stimulator units can be connected by software command to any of the recording channels, or to a connector for an external stimulation electrode, which is also located at the headstage. Each of the 32 channels can be used for recording or stimulation, whereas 2 channels can be used for external stimulation electrodes as well.

With a multifold ME2100-System up to two signal collectors can be connected to one interface board, thereby creating a system with 8 headstages for parallel recordings.

þ Features


Up to eight 32 channel headstages

Sampling with up to 50 kHz per channel

24 bit resolution

Filter bandwidth adjustable via software

Integrated stimulation and real-time feedback

Programmable output for optical stimulation

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