
In-Vivo Stimulus Generator 4000 series Multi Channel Systems(MCS), Germany

Stimulus Generators for Current and Voltage Driven Stimulation

The stimulus generators of the 4000 series fulfill three functions in one device:

n  Current driven stimulation

n  Voltage driven stimulation

n  Controlling and timing


The STGs are available with 2, 4 or 8 independet output channels. Featuring integrated isolation units for each output channel, the STGs are able to provide any arbitrary waveform.


þ Features


2, 4 or 8 completely independent stimulus outputs available

For a broad range of applications

Voltage or current mode selectable via software, 3 current output ranges available

Optically isolated outputs with the ability to provide any arbitrary analog waveform as a stimulation signal

One TTL in- and output for each stimulation channel for synchronization with data acquisition or for triggering other devices

Dynamic online changes and downstreaming

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