
Zebrafish ZebraLab Viewpoint, FRANCE

ZebraLab is a state of the art automated observation and video tracking solution designed by ViewPoint. It is a complete system for high-throughput tracking and behavioral analysis of zebrafish (Danio rerio). ZebraLab can be deployed to track zebrafish larvae in multi-well plates, as well as single adult zebrafish, and shoals. 


Controlled environment, reliable results

ZebraLab is designed to provide the full apparatus required to track and record behavioral output from 96 zebrafish larvae or embryos simultaneously. Adult zebrafish are just as easily tracked. Whether as a single individual or in shoals up to 16 individuals.

Backed up by an innovative software, the apparatus offers the researcher controlled experimental conditions, and reliable results.

Zebralab components

ZebraLab consists of an innovative software designed by the experts in behavioral video tracking at ViewPoint, as well as the ZebraBox and/or ZebraCube apparatus. Scaling your experiments is possible by adding additional ZebraBox or ZebraCube systems to your setup. ViewPoint is a leader in the field of behavioral tracking software development and brings you the possibility of connecting up to four ZebraBox to one computer running the ZebraLab software. As your research demands grow, scalability is key. This is where ViewPoint surpasses any other systems on the market today.

Why Choose ViewPoint ZebraLab

  • Technology backed by an innovative company
  • Already trusted and used in 350 laboratories
  • Researchers using ZebraLab publish in high-impact journals, such as Science and Nature
  • Unique system allowing for analysis of embryos at 24HPF in high-throughput
  • Reliable data & perfect tracking
  • Experimental scaling: track 4 microplates simultaneously with one system
  • Expandability & customization : add elements to your experimental setups such as light features, acoustical features, shocker, or PMR.

Zebralab solution may be connected to :

- ZebraBox for larvae screening

- ZebraCube for adult screening 

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