
Zebrafish ZebraCube Viewpoint, FRANCE


Controlling the environment during a behavioral experiment is the key to success. ViewPoint has developed a new cubicle enclosure to control light, sound and vibration.

ZebraCube is an individual apparatus that makes it easy to set your experiments up without requiring a full room.  Increasing the throughput of your test can be done by adding up to 4 cubicles to one single computer unit, enabling to analyze up to 64 adult zebrafish in a single experiment !




Many operant protocols may be set from the ZebraLab software : light, sound, temperature changes and electric stimulus. Any transparent tank may be used, as well as our range of aquatic maze such as the T-maze. 

3D analysis of the behavior of individuals or groups of fish may be performed easily. 


We have also developed another solution for adult zebrafish videotracking in a free environment, the ZebraTower.

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