
Tissue Clearing EasyIndex

Optical Clearing Solution


LifeCanvas’s 500-mL bottle can be used for up to 12 whole mouse brains or 200+ 1 mm-thick tissue sections! EasyIndex is the most economical option guaranteeing best refractive index matching results (RI = 1.52 standard; RI = 1.46 available on request). Intact tissues are rendered optically transparent and are optimally prepared for volumetric imaging with SmartSPIM or other microscopes.


EasyIndex is ideal for use with:

Cleared tissues using aqueous-based methods and others

Immunolabeled tissues


                Cerebral Organoid

Examples of cleared and RI-matched tissue types from our tissue processing laboratory. Cleared (delipidated) tissues will appear translucent, while cleared and refractive index-matched tissues will appear transparent.

Removal of lipid molecules and refractive index matching allows light to pass unhindered through the sample during microscopy, producing sharp, informative images even in regions deep within the tissue. 

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