
Protein Crystallization CrysCam plus Art Robbins Instrument(ARI), USA

CrysCam plus


The CrysCam plus is the versatile and affordable solution for all of your protein crystallization plate imaging needs. CrysCam owners can update your existing system to the new CrysCam plus with UV imaging capabilities.


þ Features


Easy to use software controls lighting and capture settings

Competitive price and superior performance

Compatible with 96-well, 24-well plates, and LCP slides

Small footprint; light weight

Can be used in a cold room

Integrated cross polarization

High speed GigE camera

6.0 Mpix CMOS camera, 1 inch sensor

Smooth large base platform with integrated LED lighting

Modular and upgradeable components

Reads a 96-well plate in less than three minutes.

Predefined plate library makes choosing the right well location quick and easy 

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