
LC Component Chromatography UV Detector (Reach Devices,USA)

UV Monitor For Liquid Chromatography

HPLC 디텍터의 absorption range (0.001-800AU)

Protein 분리정제 가능한 1ug/ml ~ 0.5g/ml Scale

용량제한없이 16개까지 물질별 collect fraction 가능

Flow Rates 0.5-300 ml/min , Pressures up to 2500psi 가능

UV LEDs 5.7 Display 로 실시간 흡광 Peak 확인 및 간단한 조작

UV Absorption, Refractive Index , Conductivity, pH 모드별 최대 4개의 Parameter 정가능 


The first chromatography monitor with UV LED light sources and 0.001-800 AU absorption range

UV LED light sources provide over a decade of consistent function while eliminating warm-up time. UV light intensity is temperature-compensated to minimize long-term drift.

Demonstration of Absorption Range 0.001-800 AU at 10mm

Five 1ml samples of mouse mAb in PBS were sequentially eluted through the detector.

The samples contained 0.0001 to 10 mg of the antibody.


The monitor accepts 1/16” and 1/8" OD plastic tubing at flow rates up to 300 ml/min

UV/Conductivity/RI Flow Cell is rated to 1000 psi, and is stable to 1M NaOH, 100% TFA and all organic solvents.

pH Flow Cell is rated to 15 psi, solvent compatibility is limited by the pH electrode

Eluant temperature is recorded

Long-term cold room operation. Compatible with GE Akta, etc

Compatible with all fraction collectors

Low back-pressure: suitable for gravity columns

Ideal for work in a bio-hazard cabinet

Solvent splash proof anodized titanium case and glass-shielded display

Can be fine-tuned to the particular process by customized firmware upload from a flash drive

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